Support OCS » Why Give?

Why Give?

1. Who Owns Ouachita Christian School?
Ouachita Christian School is recognized as a 501.c.3 nonprofit corporation by the IRS, which means that all donations are tax deductible in accordance with IRS regulations. Donors should consult tax or legal experts for specific rules and limitations. OCS is governed by a board of trustees. Each board member is a faithful Christian and is committed to success and development of OCS. The OCS board establishes general policies and oversite under which the school operates. It is the responsibility of the school administration to implement all board policies.
2. How Does OCS receive the finances needed to operate?
The school receives money through tuition, contributions from parents, grandparents, alumni, faculty & staff, foundations, independent business donors and auxiliary sources and parent organization.
3. Why Does the school ask for contributions?
Tuition does not fully cover the total expenses incurred by the school each year. As with most private educational institutions, contributions are needed to pay for operating expenses, building maintenance, campus improvements, expanded academic programs, and the future. The Annual Fund provides a foundation of financial support to provide resources for academic, athletic, and campus improvements.
4. Do Most Families give in addition to paying tuition?
Yes. Throughout the school's history, generous supporters have made donations to help fund operations and generously invested in the future of OCS. Almost everything you see (buildings, athletic fields, playgrounds, parking lots) as you enter the campus was funded by donations over and above tuition. OCS is not a school that built by a few wealthy families. Instead, the school exists through the coming together of many families and business who have invested in Christian education throughout the years. Past donors are responsible for the OCS you see today, just as today's families will shape the OCS of tomorrow.
5. What Does the Annual Fund pay for?
Every gift to the Annual Fund goes directly into the general academic operating fund of OCS to pay for teacher salaries and benefits, technology infrastructure, STEM programs, and academic facility improvements.
6. How are Contributions made?
Gifts of cash, appreciated stocks, and gifts-in-kind can be made to OCS. Long-term gifts can be made through estate planning, insurance policies or trusts.